Reason Why

10th August – Board 13. Game All. Dealer North.
I gave up playing a weak no-trump when vulnerable many years ago now and the hand below shows why!

S A J 7
H K 10 9 3
D 7 5
C A J 4 3

S K 10 9 4
H Q 7 2
D 8 3
C K Q 5 2

S 8 2
H A J 5
D A K Q J 10 9 4
C 6

S Q 6 5 3
H 8 6 4
D 6 2
C 10 9 8 7


Very best defence holds declarer to two tricks for a penalty of -1400 and the prospect of finding another pair of teammates next time round. East shouldn’t be worried about the unbalanced nature of his hand, quite the opposite in fact with its rich source of tricks, and West should be tickled pink at the prospect of a big score. So what happens if North opens 1C, a common manoeuvre with a balanced 12-14 when vulnerable? East does best to bid 3C, which may seem strange but simply asks partner to bid 3NT with a club stop, else to bid 3D. I know East’s spade holding is speculative but you can’t have everything.

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